Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Drum Roll Please...

Here it is the great reveal, the finished product, the quilt with no pattern! That was one of Myra's favorite things...going with the flow, writting no instructions, just playing.

We would love to hear what you think of the transformation, the layout, whatever you would like to say.

We would like to send a shout out to Jacqueline Pohl of the Vintage Quiltery in Gladstone Manitoba for quilting this project for us and for Jill. Thanks Jacquie!!

Hey Jill, if you are reading this, add your comments!

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Marcy said...

Wow! Totally loved the end results!! It was definitely worth the wait. Congratulations to the lucky receiver.

mrspesti said...

so i started this quilt as my first doing anything on point and as you can see it bubbled and rippled so bad, i am not sure exactly what went so wrong. But after all the time i spent on it i didnt have the heart to tear it all up. So yes as you can imagine it sat balled up in a corner of my sewing area.
Totally worth the wait and i absolutely LOVE it. from what i sent in i never would of come up with this design but it completely hits th nail on the head!!! Thanks again

Totally worth the wait and i absolutely LOVE it. from what i sent in i never would of come up with this design but it completely hits th nail on the head!!! Thanks again

Jean said...

It turned out great! I really like the combination of the applique and the blocks... hee hee hee.... now Jill can say that she colaborated with Cori and Myra! Looks like a book in the works!

Karen Greaves said...

Very cute! Hope this becomes a pattern to purchase...

Viktoria said...

Hi, wow how nice, I started to think about my brother. I should have a wall hanger just like that in his new built cabbin. Would you send me a pattern? His birthday is april the first so I could have time to make it for him.

Karin på Ösäter
