Saturday, March 21, 2009

The chosen quilt for Plan b!
We all have them, quilts that just go wrong. We are not always sure why and sometimes it goes wrong at the very end and we just can't bring ourselves to take it all apart. So what do we do? We fold it up and stick it in a closet and every once in a while we come across it and our heart just sinks. All the fabric and time that went into it and now it just sits there...all wrong! Can anyone relate! I can. Sometimes I think I should just burn the project so I don't have to look at it again with sheer disappointment. But we are glad that Jill hung on to this we can fix it!!

I would say that the biggest problem with this quilt was the "Ivory" fabric just before the borders. It just doesn't lay flat. It could be for a couple of reason's, either the measurements are off, the fabric is ultra stretchy or it was cut wrong. Don't feel bad I think it's safe to say it has happened to everyone.

When we saw this quilt we knew instantly how we would change it. This wasn't a "send us your project and we will rectify the mistake and send it back to you exactly as what you started" contest. But rather a contest to inspire those of you reading this to re-create projects gone wrong and just think of them as something different.

Stay tuned for some progress photo's!

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